I’m about two weeks in on a new fellowship that aims to look at how education is (or, more likely, is not) preparing today’s kids for tomorrow’s world. We’re running with the idea that STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is the answer.
I approach this topic with some apprehension. Education seems to be one of the most widely parsed topics in mainstream news today. When Newsweek and NBC News are doing special features, it seems that the ship has sailed on innovative coverage. We also struggle with the fact that, rather than publishing as we go, we will report for 10 weeks and publish at the very end. We’ve already had two reporters pitch stories that were covered by major news organizations a few days later.
We are hoping to use the delayed release as a benefit, however, by delving deep into topics and placing a premium on visual and interactive elements that need some lead-up time to build.
I’ll be posting additional updates as we work throughout the summer, but please feel free to let me know what your ideas are about the topic in the comments section below.